2010 IRS Radio PSAs
These IRS radio Public Service Announcements (PSA) can be played during calendar year 2010. The files are in MP3 format and are downloadable. There are :30, :60 and donut spots to use as a plug in for local sponsors. There are English and Spanish versions. Text versions of the recorded scripts are also downloadable.
These IRS radio Public Service Announcements (PSA) can be played during calendar year 2010. The files are in MP3 format and are downloadable. There are :30, :60 and donut spots to use as a plug in for local sponsors. There are English and Spanish versions. Text versions of the recorded scripts are also downloadable.
2010 Multimedia Center
The IRS Multimedia Center – online tools and information straight from the source. Here you'll find links to a variety of resources and multimedia files to help you report the latest tax news.
EITC Press Kit
EITC Press Kit
The IRS Multimedia Center – online tools and information straight from the source. Here you'll find links to a variety of resources and multimedia files to help you report the latest tax news.
EITC Press Kit
EITC Press Kit
Tax Tips for 2010
Tax Tips offer concise, easy-to-understand information about a wide range of topics.
Noticias en Español
Central en español de las noticias más relevantes del IRS.
2009 Summertime Tax Tips
Tax Tips offer concise, easy-to-understand information about a wide range of topics.
Tax Information for Members of the U.S. Armed Forces
Members of the U.S. Armed Forces, especially those serving in combat zones, face some special tax situations and are entitled to some special tax benefits.
Phishing, Suspicious e-Mails and Identity Theft
The IRS name and look-alike Web sites are being used in e-mail scams to steal people's identities and assets. The only genuine IRS Web site is IRS.gov.
Fact Sheets 2010
Information regarding the 2009 tax filing season and other tax topics.
Disaster Relief
Tax relief provisions for taxpayers in disaster areas, including victims of terrorist attacks.
Applicable Federal Rates
Interest rates that are set monthly for various tax law purposes, including below-market interest rate loans (Table 1). Applicable rates: short-term = up to 3 years; mid-term = over 3, up to 9 years; long-term = over 9 years.
IRS Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) allows access to most Federal agency records. This page presents guidance on accessing information maintained by the IRS.
Offshore Tax-Avoidance and IRS Compliance Efforts
An overview of IRS efforts to combat offshore tax-avoidance activity.
Inflation-Adjusted Tax Items for Tax Year 2008
Tax benefits are preserved from the effects of rising prices.
Tax Scams/Consumer Alerts
The IRS urges taxpayers not to fall victim to tax scams. Taxpayers need to remember that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Initiatives Curbing Abusive Tax Avoidance Transactions
A collection of items describing recent IRS activity to combat abusive tax shelters.
IRS Modernization
An overview of the multi-year process of change at the IRS and the agency's current structure.
Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit
Feb. 2008 — Information on hybrid cars, including the certified car models and the amount of the tax credit or deduction for each. Frequently updated.
The Tax Gap
This page provides information on the tax gap and efforts to reduce it as outlined in news releases, statistics and technical fact sheets.
Tax Tips offer concise, easy-to-understand information about a wide range of topics.
Noticias en Español
Central en español de las noticias más relevantes del IRS.
2009 Summertime Tax Tips
Tax Tips offer concise, easy-to-understand information about a wide range of topics.
Tax Information for Members of the U.S. Armed Forces
Members of the U.S. Armed Forces, especially those serving in combat zones, face some special tax situations and are entitled to some special tax benefits.
Phishing, Suspicious e-Mails and Identity Theft
The IRS name and look-alike Web sites are being used in e-mail scams to steal people's identities and assets. The only genuine IRS Web site is IRS.gov.
Fact Sheets 2010
Information regarding the 2009 tax filing season and other tax topics.
Disaster Relief
Tax relief provisions for taxpayers in disaster areas, including victims of terrorist attacks.
Applicable Federal Rates
Interest rates that are set monthly for various tax law purposes, including below-market interest rate loans (Table 1). Applicable rates: short-term = up to 3 years; mid-term = over 3, up to 9 years; long-term = over 9 years.
IRS Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) allows access to most Federal agency records. This page presents guidance on accessing information maintained by the IRS.
Offshore Tax-Avoidance and IRS Compliance Efforts
An overview of IRS efforts to combat offshore tax-avoidance activity.
Inflation-Adjusted Tax Items for Tax Year 2008
Tax benefits are preserved from the effects of rising prices.
Tax Scams/Consumer Alerts
The IRS urges taxpayers not to fall victim to tax scams. Taxpayers need to remember that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Initiatives Curbing Abusive Tax Avoidance Transactions
A collection of items describing recent IRS activity to combat abusive tax shelters.
IRS Modernization
An overview of the multi-year process of change at the IRS and the agency's current structure.
Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit
Feb. 2008 — Information on hybrid cars, including the certified car models and the amount of the tax credit or deduction for each. Frequently updated.
The Tax Gap
This page provides information on the tax gap and efforts to reduce it as outlined in news releases, statistics and technical fact sheets.