Tax Information For Businesses | |||
| IRS Job Opportunities for Federal Retirees for Course Writers/Developers, On-the-Job Instructors, and Instructors LMSB and SBSE will be hiring some Federal annuitants, under the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2010, as instructors, course writers and developers, and on-the job instructors. Plug-In Electric Vehicle Credit (IRC 30 and IRC 30D) Internal Revenue Code Sections 30 & 30D provide credits for certain Plug-in Electric Vehicles. Qualified vehicles may include low-speed vehicles, and passenger vehicles, light trucks, and certain other vehicle types. The amount of the credit varies based on the type of vehicle and applicable credit. Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit The Alternative Fuel Motor Vehicle Credit was enacted by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and includes separate credits for four distinct categories of vehicles: Hybrid vehicles, Fuel Cell vehicles, Qualified Alternative Fuel Motor vehicles (QAFMV) and Advanced Lean Burn Technology vehicles. The amount of the potential credit varies by type of vehicle and which of the four credits applies. International Withholding Designated Tier I The IRS has designated as a Tier I Compliance Issue "Reporting and Withholding on U.S. Source FDAP Income" under IRC 1441. The focus of compliance improvement will be on withholding agents' obligations to withhold and report to IRS. Tax Information on Donated Property Businesses and individuals may claim deductions for noncash contributions to qualifying charities. However, there are rules on valuation and reporting requirements. This website provides information for contributors, charitable organizations, and tax professionals. | ||
Abusive Tax Shelters and Transactions The Internal Revenue Service has a comprehensive strategy in place to combat abusive tax shelters and transactions. This strategy includes guidance on abusive transactions, regulations governing tax shelters, a hotline for taxpayers to use to report abusive technical transactions, and enforcement activity against abusive tax shelter promoters and investors. Audit Techniques Guides (ATGs) The Audit Techniques Guides (ATG) focus on developing highly trained examiners for a particular market segment. These Guides contain examination techniques, common and unique industry issues, business practices, industry terminology and other information to assist examiners in performing examinations. Coordinated Issue Papers - LMSB The IRS works to identify, coordinate, and resolve complex and significant industry wide issues by ensuring uniform application of the law through the issuance of coordinated issue papers. Although these papers are not official pronouncements on the issues, they do set forth the Service's current thinking. Director's Directive on Announcement 2008-18, FET Compliance Initiative This Directive provides guidance to examiners auditing taxpayers participating in the voluntary compliance initiative (Announcement 2008-18) regarding foreign insurance excise tax (FET) under IRC 4371- 4374. Disaster Assistance and Emergency Relief for Individuals and Businesses Special tax law provisions may help taxpayers and businesses recover financially from the impact of a disaster, especially when the president declares their location to be a major disaster area. Depending on the circumstances, the IRS may grant additional time to file returns and pay taxes. e-file for Large and Mid-Size Corporations Certain large and mid-size corporations are required to electronically file their Forms 1120 and 1120S. Other corporations may do so voluntarily. This site provides e-file information for corporations that prepare and transmit their own electronic corporate income tax returns and those that use the services of third party tax professionals. EFTPS: The Electronic Federal Tax Payment System Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS). Free from the U.S. Treasury. Employee Tool & Equipment Plans The Internal Revenue Service has established a compliance team to address the marketing and mistreatment of employee tool and equipment plans as tax-favored accountable plans. Employment Taxes The subject of employment taxes is not as formidable when you consult our comprehensive resources. Estate and Gift Taxes The Estate and Gift Tax web site contains information that will give you a better understanding of how much money or property you can give away during your lifetime or leave to your heirs at your death before any tax will be owed. Excise Tax The Excise Tax Web pages contain information associated with the manufacture, sales or consumption of certain commodities. Excise Tax has several general tax programs and one of the major components is motor fuel. These pages will assist you in finding out information about the various programs, databases, and activities within Excise Tax. Federal Payment Levy Program Certain payments made to contractors/vendors doing business with the federal government and disbursed by or administered through the Department of the Treasury, Financial Management Service (FMS) may be subject to a 15 percent or 100 percent levy through the Federal Payment Levy Program (FPLP) to pay your delinquent tax debt. Find out your appeals rights and how to resolve any dispute. Filing Late and/or Paying Late Before you decide not to file your tax return on time or not pay all of your taxes when they are due, consider this. Form 2290 e-file Companies that have passed the IRS Assurance Testing System (ATS) and/or Business Acceptance Testing (BATS) requirements for Software Developers of electronic business returns to the IRS. Forms 1120 and 1065 and Related Schedules and Instructions for 2008 Forms 1120 and 1065, and several related schedules and instructions, released July 2008 for public comment, are now final. Changes to the forms increase the transparency of the relationship between entities that make up complex business enterprises. HCTC Information for Health Plan Administrators Health Plan Administrators are key to the success of the HCTC by providing health insurance to eligible individuals. Find information specific to health plan administrators here, including how to get involved and participate with the HCTC Program. Income from Abroad is Taxable There have been recent reports about the interest of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in taxpayers with bank accounts in Liechtenstein. The IRS' interest, however, extends beyond bank accounts in Liechtenstein to financial accounts anywhere in the world. The IRS reminds you to report your worldwide income on your U.S. tax return and lists the possible consequences of hiding income overseas. Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA) Resource Guide for Small Business Owners and Individuals CD-ROM A single, free copy of the Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA) Resource Guide for Small Business Owners and Individuals CD-ROM is available for order. Industry Issue Resolution Program The Industry Issue Resolution (IIR) Program resolves frequently disputed or burdensome tax issues. IRS solicits suggestions for issues for the program from taxpayers, representatives and associations. Information Returns Processing The Information Reporting Program Website is designed to help you meet your Information Reporting Requirements. Included are help-line telephone numbers and direct links to aid you in reporting information returns. You will also find information about how to file returns electronically or magnetically. Issue Tiering - LMSB LMSB's Issue Tiering issue management strategy promotes consistency in issue resolution, improves currency, increases coverage of non-compliant taxpayers, and provides greater oversight and accountability for important issues. LMSB Industry Director Guidance LMSB Directives provide industry-related and administrative guidance to LMSB examiners to ensure consistent tax administration. The Directives do not establish Service position on legal issues and are not legal guidance. Market Segment Understandings (MSU) The MSU Program, first introduced in 1993, is a means of enhancing tax compliance while reducing taxpayer burden. This Program envisions that the IRS and taxpayers in particular market segments, work together to improve tax compliance in those areas through educational efforts and other collaborative approaches rather than through traditional audit techniques. Manufacturers' Energy Efficient Appliance Credit Act Section 305 - Modifications of Energy Efficient Appliance Credit for Appliances Produced After 2007 Office of Taxpayer Burden Reduction (TBR) As a part of IRS's effort to reduce burden on taxpayers, the IRS formed the Office of Taxpayer Burden Reduction (TBR) in early 2002. TBR's mission is to achieve significant burden reduction for taxpayers by coordinating and championing burden reduction throughout IRS. Online Ordering for Information Returns and Employer Returns Order information returns and employer returns online. Railroad Retirement Tax Act (RRTA) Desk Guide (January 2009) This Desk Reference Guide is intended as a resource tool to assist Revenue Agents who are assigned the examination of a railroad employer. The Guide was prepared presuming that the reader has already received employment tax training. Proceeds From Lump-Sum Timber Sales Are Required To Be Reported As Income Proceeds From Lump-Sum Timber Sales Are Required To Be Reported As Income Research Credit Guidelines and audit technique guide are provided for field examiners on the examination of Research Credit cases. Small Business and Self-Employed Tax Center This section offers a broad range of resources across federal and state agencies, as well as industry/profession specific information for self-employed entrepreneurs, employers and businesses. Tax Code, Regulations and Official Guidance The place to start for researching publicly accessible versions of the Internal Revenue Code, Treasury (Tax) Regulations, or other forms of official IRS tax guidance. Tax Information For Corporations Information for corporate taxpayers about pre-filing initiatives, e-file information, Appeals programs, S Corporations, technical resources, and other pertinent corporate taxation topics. The International Tax Gap Find resources on this page pertaining to the international tax gap — the difference between the amount of tax that taxpayers should pay and the amount that is paid voluntarily and on time. The tax gap can also be thought of as the sum of non-compliance with the tax law. Understanding the Large and Mid-Size Business (LMSB) Examination Process This comprehensive guide gives detailed information about the entire examination process for large and mid-size businesses, from the multiple steps of the pre-audit planning process to the examination of books and records through the closing and Appeal processes. |