Tax Information for Tax Professionals | |||
| IMPORTANT NOTICE: Postponement of Hearing Due to Weather The hearing for regulation 6050W, scheduled for Wednesday, February 10, 2010, is postponed until further notice. Proposed New Requirements for Tax Return Preparers The Return Preparer Review final report is now available. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: Information Center Update on the new economic stimulus legislation. Disaster Relief Resource Center for Tax Professionals Visit this resource center to learn how to re-establish your business after a natural disaster. | ||
Redesigned Taxpayer Notices and Letters See how the IRS has improved the clarity, accuracy, and effectiveness of written taxpayer communications Section 7216 Information Center Find information about Section 7216 including FAQs and revenue rulings. Apply for Membership on the Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee (ETAAC) This is your fnal chance to apply to be on ETAAC. Partnership Resource Guide The Partnership Resource Guide is designed to inform e-file audiences about new information and options available for tax preparation with articles and marketing and outreach tools that are intended to help all taxpayers to file taxes electronically. Servicewide Key Messages for Tax Professionals Quarterly messages for the tax professional community, including publications and educational products. Nationwide Tax Forum Information Attend the IRS Nationwide Tax Forums to learn the latest in tax administration, mingle with industry partners, and earn CPE credits! IRSAC and IRPAC General Information General Information on the Internal Revenue Service Advisory Council and the Information Reporting Program Advisory Committee. Make a Complaint Against a Tax Return Preparer Use this site to find out how to file a complaint against a tax preparer. Use of Nominees in the EIN Application Process This page provides taxpayer guidance on the use of Nominees during the Employer Identification Number (EIN) Application process. Tax Practitioner Video and Audio Presentations These short presentations are dedicated to helping the tax practitioner. Circular 230 Treasury Department Circular 230 (rev. 4/2008) Exempt Organizations: Status Revoked for Not Filing Annual Return or Notice Failure to file for 3 consecutive years results in automatic revocation of tax-exempt status. Form 990 Instructions and Background Documents Major revision of annual return that most tax-exempt organizations must file; revised form must be filed starting with tax year 2008 (returns filed in 2009). Tax Information on Donated Property How donors, charities, and tax professionals must report non-cash charitable contributions. The Tax Gap This page provides information on the tax gap and efforts to reduce it as outlined in news releases, statistics and technical fact sheets. The International Tax Gap Find resources on this page pertaining to the international tax gap — the difference between the amount of tax that taxpayers should pay and the amount that is paid voluntarily and on time. The tax gap can also be thought of as the sum of non-compliance with the tax law. |