Need an audio spot for your Web site? We've compiled a host of MP3 files covering a variety of topics and formats.
- Audio Files for Podcasts - Hear them now, or download the MP3s to hear them later.
- Audio Tax Tips - Looking for an audio tip from the source? These 30 second tax segments may be just what you need online or on air.
- Press Briefings - Can't attend a live briefing? We've got you covered. Tune in to the MP3 version here.
- Radio PSAs - These radio spots provide helpful information to get your taxes done. They include the latest Recovery Act PSAs. Other spots feature the voice of IRIS, a friendly IRS helper with useful information for your listeners during tax time. There are :30, :60 and donut spots to use as a plug in for local sponsors. We also have radio spots on some of our important programs such as the Earned Income Tax Credit and our e-file and Free file programs. All of the spots are in MP3 format and can be downloaded.
- Sound Bites - This is the place to find various sound bites from the IRS Commissioner and other IRS officials.
For the first time, some Tax Tips are available in video.
In addition to audio and video Tax Tips, we also have them in print.
- Print Tax Tips - Daily Tax Tips for 2009 are available throughout the filing season.
Press Kits
Covering a specific topic? We may have a specific toolkit just for you. Get the facts, stats, and IRS media contacts. Download feature articles, public service advertisements and more. Some of the Press Kits require flash 7.0 on your computer to view them.
- Earned Income Tax Credit - The EITC is a tax credit for people who work, but don't earn high incomes. Those who qualify could pay less federal tax, no tax, or even get a refund.
Marketing Materials and Other Resources
News items to get you started or fill in empty spaces. You'll find print public service advertisements (PSAs), posters and more.
List Servers (email subscriptions) - Want to get the latest tax news right in your inbox? We've got a number of email subscription services to choose from. Take a look and sign up for the ones that interest you.